
Akademie Heidelberg, Mediation for Intellectual Property Rights, 16 June 2010, Munich

 "Good mixture of theory and practical application", "Very good and interesting, easy to follow", "Highly recommended", "Effective", "Valuable"


Akademie Heidelberg, IP Mediation in Accordance with the New German Mediation Act, 2 December 2011 at the German Patent and Trade Mark Office in Munich with the "Father" of the German Mediation Act, Mr. Eberhard Carl, Ministerialrat a.D., German Federal Ministry of Justice, & Lawyer Dr. Michael Gross

 "I can't think of anything they didn't cover", "Current, highly competent", "Very informative"


Akademie  Heidelberg, License Agreement Laws and R&D Contracts

(Always done as 2-day seminar, dispute settlements are also covered, done together with another lawyer)

24/25 February 2011, Cologne: "Many valuable practical tips and ideas, numerous examples from actual work situations...extensive topical knowledge paired with practical discussions"

29/30 June 2011, Hamburg: "Very experienced speakers who focused on practical situations...very open atmosphere for discussions"

15/16 December 2011, Munich: "Very important event, not just for (patent) lawyers, but for product and R&D representatives, of the best seminars I know"

26/27 July 2012, Dresden: " Competent, experienced speakers... the tips based on practical experience and explanations on possible deviations from the standard contract were especially valuable"